How to Merge Contacts in Salesforce?

When managing customer data in Salesforce, it’s important to keep all customer information up to date and accurate. One of the easiest ways to do this is by merging duplicate contacts. Merging contacts allows you to consolidate multiple customer records into one and keep your customer data organized and up to date.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of merging contacts in Salesforce and provide tips to help you ensure the process is efficient and successful.

Step-by-Step Guide to Merging Contacts in Salesforce

The steps for merging contacts in Salesforce are as follows:

  1. Identify duplicate contacts.
  2. Choose the contact that should remain.
  3. Merge the duplicate contacts into the chosen contact.
  4. Review and confirm the merged contacts.

1. Identify Duplicate Contacts

The first step in merging contacts in Salesforce is to identify duplicate customer records. To do this, you can navigate to the Contacts tab and use the filter to search for contacts with the same name, email address, or phone number. This will help you narrow down your search and make it easier to find duplicates.

2. Choose the Contact That Should Remain

Once you’ve identified your duplicate contacts, the next step is to decide which contact should remain. You can either select the contact with the most recent information or the contact with the most complete information. This is important because the contact you choose will remain after the merge.

3. Merge the Duplicate Contacts into the Chosen Contact

Once you’ve chosen the contact that should remain, you can proceed to the next step: merging the duplicate contacts into the chosen contact. To do this, you can select the contacts you’d like to merge and then click the “Merge” button. You’ll be presented with a confirmation page that will allow you to review the data from the duplicate contacts and confirm the merge.

4. Review and Confirm the Merged Contacts

Once you’ve reviewed the data from the duplicate contacts, you can confirm the merge. This will merge the data from the duplicate contacts into the chosen contact and delete the duplicate contacts. You’ll then be presented with a list of the merged contacts. At this point, you can review the list to ensure that the merge was successful.

Tips for Merging Contacts in Salesforce

Merging contacts in Salesforce can be a tricky process, so here are a few tips to help you ensure the process is successful:

  • Check for outdated contacts: Before merging two contacts, make sure they are up to date. If one of the contacts is outdated, it’s best to delete it or update it before merging.
  • Verify the data: Before confirming the merge, make sure you’ve reviewed the data from both contacts and verified that it is accurate and up to date.
  • Delete duplicate contacts: Once the merge is complete, make sure to delete the duplicate contacts. This will help keep your customer data organized and up to date.


Merging contacts in Salesforce is a great way to keep customer data up to date and organized. By following the steps outlined in this blog post and using the tips provided, you can ensure the process is efficient and successful. With accurate and up to date customer data, you can provide better customer service and increase customer satisfaction.

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