How attention helps Sales Reps

Dedicate 100% of your attention to the call. Have Attention’s AI take notes and update CRM fields.
Send AI powered followup emails in less than 60 seconds
Get real-time coaching on the call and AI powered scorecards after to see where you can improve
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Never manually fill your CRM again.

Attentions’ AI Sales platform gives sales reps more than 50% of their time back and allows them to focus on what they do best: selling.

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No manual note-taking

Let Attentions AI note taker capture key parts of the call and upload the notes back into your CRM


1-click CRM updates

Never spend time in your CRM updating sales stages. All required fields are updated with 1 click

animation of Attention's CRM tool

Send any followup email in less than 60 seconds

Have reps learning live on calls within weeks and accelerate their learning and onboarding with Attention’s Sales AI platform.

Increase reply rates and shorten sales cycles by getting timely followup after all your sales calls.
One click to generate an email with your customer's words.

Key Features for Sales Reps

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Never face an objection alone

AI powered battlecards help you answer any prospect question while on the call.

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No manual CRM work

Automatic note taking and 1-click CRM updates give reps 50% of their time back to sell.

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Automate follow-up emails

Attention’s AI uses the customer’s voice on calls to craft followup emails in less than 60 seconds and increase response rates.

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Have every call scored

AI powered scorecards let you know where you can improve, and what areas to focus coaching and training on.

Don't Just take it from us

"Thanks to Attention, our sales pipeline velocity has skyrocketed.
With automated CRM entry and insightful scorecards, deals progress smoothly, leading to quicker conversions. It's streamlined our processes and turbocharged our revenue growth."
Austin Myers
VP Revenue, Certificial
"Thanks to Attention, our reps save 20-30 minutes per call with automated CRM data entry.
This efficiency boost allows them to focus on what they do best: selling. Attention isn't just a tool; it's a game-changer for our productivity."
Yan Kessler
VP Sales, Aspire Financial Technologies
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