How to Merge Accounts in Salesforce

Salesforce is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage their customer data. It allows users to store customer information, track customer interactions, and generate reports. One of the most useful features of Salesforce is its ability to merge accounts.Merging accounts in Salesforce allows users to combine similar records and remove any duplicate data. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that have multiple contacts associated with the same account. By merging these accounts, users can ensure that all of the customer’s data is up-to-date and accurate.In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to merge accounts in Salesforce. We’ll also discuss some important considerations to keep in mind when merging accounts. Let’s get started!

Steps to Merge Accounts in Salesforce

Merging accounts in Salesforce is a straightforward process. Below, we’ve outlined the steps you’ll need to take in order to complete the merge.

Step 1: Identify the Accounts that Need to be Merged

The first step in merging accounts in Salesforce is to identify the accounts that need to be merged. You can do this by searching for the accounts in the Salesforce search bar. Once you’ve identified the accounts, make sure to check for any duplicate data. If there is any duplicate data, you’ll need to delete it before you can merge the accounts.

Step 2: Select the Master Account

Once you’ve identified the accounts that need to be merged, you’ll need to select the master account. The master account is the account that will remain after the merge is complete. All of the data from the other accounts will be transferred to the master account.

Step 3: Merge the Accounts

Once you’ve selected the master account, you can merge the accounts. To do this, go to the “Accounts” tab in Salesforce and select the “Merge Accounts” option. You’ll then be prompted to select the accounts that need to be merged. Once you’ve selected the accounts, click the “Merge” button to complete the merge.

Step 4: Review the Merged Account

Once the merge is complete, you’ll need to review the merged account to make sure all of the data is accurate. If there are any discrepancies, you can edit the account or contact Salesforce support for assistance.

Important Considerations When Merging Accounts

When merging accounts, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Below, we’ve outlined some of the most important considerations.

1. Duplicate Data

Before merging accounts, be sure to check for any duplicate data. If there is any duplicate data, you’ll need to delete it before you can merge the accounts.

2. Account Type

Be sure to check the account type of each account before merging. If the accounts have different account types, the merge may not be successful.

3. Account Hierarchy

If the accounts have different account hierarchies, you’ll need to make sure to select the correct master account before merging.

4. User Access

After merging the accounts, be sure to check the user access for each account. If the accounts had different user access settings, you’ll need to update the user access settings for the merged account.


Merging accounts in Salesforce is a simple process that can help businesses reduce duplicate data and keep their customer information up-to-date. If you follow the steps outlined above, you should have no problem merging accounts in Salesforce. Just be sure to keep the considerations outlined above in mind when merging accounts. Good luck!

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