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Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee house and coffee brand, founded in Seattle in 1971. The business has grown to massive proportions since then with 28,218 locations around the world as of 2018. Starbucks initially distinguished themselves from other venues that served coffee by providing higher quality ingredients and better taste as well as popularizing dark roast coffee. They are known as a "second wave" coffee house. "Third wave" coffee houses are also cropping up with an emphasis on lighter roasts and handmade coffee drinks. As of 2016, Starbucks had 238,000 employees. Most of the employment opportunities are within the coffee houses themselves (including barista positions), but there are also marketing, legal, human resources, finance, sales, research, management, and store development positions as well.
Attention is a sales coach powered by AI. It joins video conferences and leverages deep learning to analyze the conversation and provide feedback to your reps in real time. It allows you to be fully productive faster, improve the quality of your conversations and close more deals.