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Publix is an employee-owned, American chain of supermarkets with headquarters in Lakeland, Florida. Publix is a private corporation that started in 1930. Publix is found throughout the southeastern United States including South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina. They are one of the largest grocery chains in the United States. As of 2018, there were over 193,000 people working for Publix. The employment opportunities that you may find include many of grocery store positions like cashier positions, bagging positions, restocking positions, warehouse positions, customer service positions, bakery, meat department, produce and various other specialty positions within the store. There may also be a small number of administrative positions available.
Attention is a sales coach powered by AI. It joins video conferences and leverages deep learning to analyze the conversation and provide feedback to your reps in real time. It allows you to be fully productive faster, improve the quality of your conversations and close more deals.