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Federal Express, also known as FedEx Corporation, is a multinational courier that has its company headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee. They serve many parts of the world and have 425,000 employees as of 2018. Most of the employment opportunities for this company come from working in sorting and distribution centers, although a significant number of positions are also filled by delivery drivers working truck routes that stretch across the continental United States. These include both long-haul semi-truck positions and FedEx truck deliveries to residential and commercial areas. There are also a number of employees working at FedEx Office locations (these used to be Kinko's, which was bought out by FedEx and now serve as shipping and copy centers).
Attention is a sales coach powered by AI. It joins video conferences and leverages deep learning to analyze the conversation and provide feedback to your reps in real time. It allows you to be fully productive faster, improve the quality of your conversations and close more deals.